Bonney Pest Control has been providing pest control solutions for over 40 years!
During this time, products and application methods change as new innovations and advancements in the pest control industry change. What doesn’t change is our commitment to the safety of our staff, our valued clients, their families and their natural surrounds including loved pets.
We are a member of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association and take the responsibility of providing safe pest control solutions very seriously.
Ask your pest technician for a Safety Data Sheet that are kept in each vehicle. This data sheet will provide safety information regarding the chemical that will be used for each application. Alternatively contact us and the appropriate Safety Data Sheet can be emailed to you.
Bonney Pest Control has been proudly chosen over numerous years to protect dozens of government buildings including kindergartens, childcare centres, schools, police stations, Tafe colleges, Fire Stations and the like against unwanted pests. This is a reflection of our commitment to provide safe pest control solutions.